Sea Buckthorn benefits

The Sea Buckthorn plant was once believed to be food of the legendary Pegasus, hence it’s botanical name “hippohae”or shiny horse. Trees produce small flowers and beautiful red-orange berries the size of a pea. The berries are well known for their high content of antioxidants and nourishing oils such as omega 3,6,7,9 as well as Vitamin C. Their oil is moisturizing, enabling the skin’s regeneration and ability to heal itself.
Rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids
The amazing properties of sea buckthorn oil have been known for a long time. The oil is known to have a curative effect against eczema, ulcers, and burns. The high content of antioxidants promote the skin’s regenerative ability. Every quarter pound of oil may contain up to 3 ounces of carotenoids, several antioxidants, Omega 3,6,9, and the rare Omega 7, vital to collagen production.
Since the ice age sea buckthorn trees have grown in Sweden. For centuries the plant has been used by the Chinese to treat various ailments. In Asia, sea buckthorn trees are common and grow wild along the Himalayan mountain slopes. In Sweden you find sea buckthorn trees along the coastal strips belts from north to south. The trees are spiny with beautiful red-orange berries. A full grown sea buckthorn three can grow to over five feet and can provide up to 15 liters of berries. The hard thorns and frail berries require very careful crop management, it takes about one hour to pick 2 pints of berries.